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Newsletter - March 20, 2015

Severe Eczema - Heartbreaking Becomes Heartwarming

An amazing story

A little girl with eczema rescued from intense suffering

"To say I am stunned is an understatement. My family has tried everything you can possibly think of to help my two and a half year old daughter's eczema. If it is out there, we have tried it. The recovery of her skin in less than two days is nothing short of a miracle! If only I had taken pictures of it two days ago, everyone would be shocked! At that time, it looked horrible. She had scratched her spots throughout her sleep, so much so that it was too sensitive for clothes to lay against her skin. Words can't describe how you feel as a parent when your child is in pain and nothing you do seems to help. Our sweet girl would cry because she was in so much pain. It was heart-breaking. But with just a few random applications of your Tallow Balm over a couple days, our daughter's skin is so much better! Not one spot is bleeding! My whole family is shocked! I'm thankful to God that we were directed to your site."
—Janelle, Seymour, Texas

See more testimonials here.

Order Tallow Balm here.

Unbelievable Results

Another amazing story

A nurse makes her own balm using our recipe

"I am a nurse, and I have severe eczema on my hand that I have NEVER been able to control. It 'calms down' when I'm away from work for several days and am not washing my hands constantly, but it immediately returns with a vengeance upon returning to work. I've used everything, steroids, oils, creams, and ointments, but it is keeps coming back. The skin has actually become scarred from it. So, I decided to give your recipe a try. I ordered the tallow online and substituted the olive oil with organic avocado oil. I put a little lavender and peppermint essential oil in it as well. I made not only the thick balm, but I also whipped it in my mixer to turn it into a fluffy butter. The results I have seen in just a little over one week have been unbelievable! I am shocked! The inflammation is gone, the thick plaque is gone, the itchy bumps are gone, and the scarring is hardly noticeable. I cannot believe it! This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing this recipe and for the great information on your website. This is such a wonderful find for me, and I am going to share it with everyone I know, and I will share your website with those who wish to order it as well. I prefer to make my own tallow balm, but I know many others who would be happy to order it. Thank you again!"